We recommend to use Le VPN for Windows application to easily install Le VPN with support of all VPN protocols.
1. Download stable version of OpenVPN GUI : Open VPN GUI
Click on “Yes”, “I agree” and “Next” buttons to install the software.
2. Open newly installed OpenVPN app. OpenVPN icon in bottom right corner of your screen will appear.
3. Download OpenVPN configuration files from this link and extract them to any suitable folder.
4. Click on OpenVPN icon in the bottom right corner of your scree and select “Import file”. Select .ovpn configuration file of desired VPN server downloaded on previous step and click “Open”
5. Repeat the previous step if you need to add another server.
6. Right click on the OpenVPN icon in the task bar.
Point the mouse to the server you want to connect to.
Left click on “Connect” in context menu and enter your Le VPN username and password received in activation email (same as PPTP credentials).
6. Check your IP address here
NB If your IP address hasn’t changed please reconnect.
OpenVPN configuration files
You can download OpenVPN configuration files using the links below:
OpenVPN port UDP 53
OpenVPN port TCP 80
OpenVPN port TCP 443
OpenVPN with HybridVPN
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Alternative installation methods
There are alternative ways to manually setup Le VPN connection via OpenVPN, PPTP or L2TP on your PC: