Smart Home Security: Protect Your Castle

Protecting your residence is one of the core duties of any homeowner. And, with the rise of digital threats to the place where you live as well as the people who live there with you, smart home security is becoming ever more popular. Thankfully, resolving these issues is not as difficult as it seems. Premium


GPS Spoofing: Good Servant, Bad Master

Every smartphone and every tablet has a small antenna to tell the satellite exactly where you are. GPS spoofing is when you either force that antenna, or the module receiving the signal, to lie to the system and change the global location of the device. This mechanic can be useful if you know how to


Cryptojacking: Is Your Device Working Behind Your Back?

Cryptocurrencies might be the the future. But, the same as any other thing, they should be a choice. By Cryptojacking, someone takes control of your hardware to mine minuscule amounts of crypto that will add up in the end. Not only does that practice slow down your devices and burns out your gear faster, but


Ring Doorbell Hack: From Home Security to HAL 9000

Having an IP doorbell can be a huge benefit for both your lifestyle and your home security. But as we have seen with several Ring doorbell hack examples, it can quickly turn into a nightmare. Amazon’s security solution is not easy to hack on its own. But, if the IP address of the home is


WiFi Home Security: Take Care of Yourself and Each Other

Trust is an excellent thing to have, especially when it pertains to the people you work with or that enter your home. But when it comes to WiFi home security, it is not the people who are the issue, but their devices. Better to be safe than sorry. And, you can’t pick your friends and


Online Privacy: Do Online DNA Tests Put Your Privacy at Risk?

When talking about consumer DNA tests, or heritage tests, we often run straight to conspiracy theories about cloning and tube babies. In reality, our online privacy is a much more immediate concern than some Palpatinesque sinister plan to take over the world and/or galaxy. At some point, it may become a severe privacy concern if


Facial Recognition Privacy: Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions

In the centuries past, science fiction writers theorized a surveillance society where freedom is impossible, and privacy is a sin. Now we simply call that modern society. Facial recognition privacy is just one in the series of issues coming with the world being interconnected and sacrificing privacy and liberty for a perception of security. Even


2-Factor Authentication Now Implemented for Le VPN Client Area

In an interconnected world, it is often the case that many of our accounts are connected with each other. To prevent our cybersecurity from falling like dominos, we need 2-factor authentication that will place a barrier between the hacker and any system they have gained access to. Le VPN has now implemented this feature for


Adware vs. VPN: Who Will Win?

Adware is in a weird place when it comes to online security. It can’t be defined as malware, and it is not always dangerous for your device. But it can be, and it is always annoying. Generally speaking, there is no good way to prevent your device from receiving forced ads. Adblockers will work for


What is Spyware: Looking back through the Keyhole

While most people know about cookies and privacy policies guaranteed by law, few are aware of what is spyware and how it can damage your device. In many cases, this type of malware can be even more dangerous than viruses, as it doesn’t only destroy, but collect data as well. Additionally, spyware is numerous in