Dealing with Online Harassment

There is a misconception that online harassment is just part and parcel of being online. While it may be impossible to stop the phenomena itself in total, we don’t need to suffer under it as individuals. Dealing with harassment is the same as surpassing any other conflict. The best thing we can do is just


People vs. Zoom: How COVID-19 Exposed a Security Vulnerability

Humanity doesn’t seem to be able to catch a break. As we are forced into our home because of the COVID-19 crisis and now need to do everything online, our privacy and security are endangered because Zoom didn’t clear their SDK correctly. Currently, everyone who joined Zoom’s conference service using Facebook had their private data


Fighting COVID-19, On & Off the Line with Folding@Home

Fighting COVID-19, the current epidemic that is not only ravaging the world’s health but also its economy, is the primary focus in many minds. As soon as we can do enough research and find a solution, we can return to our normal lives. Folding@Home has made a revolutionary movement to donate our devices processing power


Quarantine Shoppers are a Scammer’s Dream

Staying in quarantine is the best way to prevent any further spread of the Covid19 pandemic. But, while we are safe at home from the virus, other dangers lurk from the shadows of the internet. Scammers, hackers, and other shady people are planning to use this quarantine situation to line their own pockets. It is


Virtual Classes are not Only Risky for Parent’s Mental Health

Online classes have started, and now it is obvious that physical schools don’t exist for the sake of the child’s education, but to maintain the sanity of parents. Regardless, the quarantine we must endure during this COVID-19 breakout will create a few issues, but also some benefits. It is important to take care of your


Covid-19 Crisis is not the Only Virus Out There

While to Covid-19 crisis sounds just like an excellent excuse not to go to the gym, again, it is not all lack of sunshine and indoor roses. If we want to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our community from the virus, we need to stay indoors as much as possible. But, that may create


Working Through the Covid-19 Pandemic in Your Pajamas

Pandemics are nothing new. In a globalized world where travel is cheap and easy, diseases have a high tendency of spreading quickly worldwide. But, it is not every day we experience a global pandemic of airborne flu with such severe symptoms. That is why the only way to mitigate Covid-19 pandemic consequences is to practice


Legal Actions Against Cyber Bullying: What Can You Do?

It seems that there are as many cyberbullying definitions as there are internet users. But, if we are to examine the term, it becomes much easier to see if there can be legal action against cyber buying, or there can be a different solution to our problem. Sometimes it is impossible to sue your tormentor,


Anonymity on the Web: How to Build Your Online Persona?

Staying anonymous online is a tricky thing, as many places will require some sort of information to allow you to use their services. This is where your online persona comes into the picture, as you can place a stand-in to suffer all the risks, while your real information stays hidden. Additionally, you want this person