Cybercrime already more profitable than drug trafficking

Cybercrime already more profitable than drug trafficking

When releasing its 2014 safety report on Data Breach Investigation Research, Verizon Wireless, the second largest U.S. security operator, made some comments about the evolution of the dangers on internet.

Cybercrime is worth $ 290 billion per year, according to the Mischon de Reya New York law firm, which is specialized in dealing with such cases of big companies suffering piracy. This would imply, according to the same firm, that the business of cybercrime exceeds the total traffic business of reselling the three main drugs world, i.e. : marijuana, cocaine and heroin. Less risky than drugs, cybercrime is in full development. “Hackers’ professionalization is constantly improving. Unfortunately, these are often very intelligent engineers serving wealthy mafias that have turned stealing information into a real business” says Shwartz Edddie, one of Verizon Vice -Presidents.

Given the global coverage of the operator and the number of specialists involved in security (nearly 1,000 in Europe, 3,000 in the U.S. and 2500 in the Asia Pacific region and its experience in the field, we should pay attention to this report. Verizon did involve 50 companies and institutions contribute to the study. With over 63,000 security incidents in 95 countries, the 2013 report is actually based on 1367 attacks. In 2012, this figure did not even exceed 600 cases. From a statistical point of view, the DBRIR identifies a dozen types of recurrent threats: the most common are called classical errors, such as sending an e -mail to the wrong person, malware (malicious software individual to take control of systems), insider abuse, “physical” theft or terminals losses, Web applications attacks, denial of service, cyber- espionage, intrusion into machines and cybercafes, attacks to recover payment cards.

Christopher Novak, head of the rapid response unit of Verizon explains: “War, day by day, is lost. You spend your time chasing the fault. On each occasion, the attackers arrived in a good time, exploiting a gap between internal sharing information between the security teams and intelligence attackers take advantage of the flaw that, increasingly, remains hidden and then used for further actions and negotiations . ”

The most common techniques are phishing to introduce a Trojan horse, that is to say a malware installed through sending mails.

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