Turkey: Erdogan wants to ban YouTube and Facebook

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been the key topic of a political and financial scandal for many months. He just announced that he could ban Facebook and YouTube in Turkey after the municipal elections i.e.  on March30th, in a TV interview broadcast on March 7th. Indeed he announced on a private Turkish TV


One cyber-attack occurs every 1.5 second in the world

FireEye released its report on advanced threats (ATR), which covers the main malicious activities identified by the FireEye Security Platform in 2013. This report highlights the very rapid growth of cybercrime globally, with 206 countries hosting servers carrying malware. The study analyzed and compared about the 40,000 unique cyber-attacks that took place in 2013, which


FBI prepares an interactive malware analysis system

The federal agency shall launch this year its “Malware Investigator”, an interactive malware analysis system. It shall allow companies and individuals to better cope with cyber-attacks. James Comey, who has been recently appointed as the new FBI director, announced that the agency was working on a system analyzing malicious software that would be implemented by


E.U. supports an Internet censorship project

If social networks are seen as a gold mine in terms of information and citizens’ expressions, they can also be used to spread rumors. To solve this, some researchers are working on a type of “lie detector” on Twitter and Facebook. The objective is to verify in real time the information for governments, emergency services,


A day of action against the NSA in the U.S.

American people held on February 11th a day of protest to show their opposition to the permanent and pernicious surveillance set up by their government and the NSA: it is called The Day We Fight Back. This action was initially launched by the group Demand Progress which fights against Internet censorship. This also brought together


How to fix Apple last but not least security flaw

On February 21st, Apple unveiled a huge security hole in its mobile devices software. So if you have used an open WiFi connection in a cafe, a hotel or an airport … someone could sneak into the electronic exchanges you had with your iPhone or iPad and then access to some information which you though


New Internet law confirmed by the Turkish President

Turkish users keep on talking about the Internet censorship. But the most controversial part of the new law about the Internet, which allows specific sites to be blocked without justice’s approval, may be amended. Turkish President Abdullah Gül almost immediately lost 80,000 followers on his Twitter account in protest of the green light he gave


Twitter blocked in Venezuela

The discontent of the Venezuelan people against its government continues to grow. The protests began about ten days ago and keeps on growing. Protesters accuse the government of being corrupt, the rising crime in the country as well as the rising cost of living. To avoid a revolution, the Caracas government believes that all means


Cybersecurity: 10 threats to monitor in 2014

The overall cost of cyberattacks for businesses in 2013 is estimated to € 300 billion. Here are the 10 key trends in cybersecurity and cybercrime that rose in 2013 and should be closely monitored in 2014. – Governements’ art of espionage A U.S. IT security publisher report in 2013 has lifted the veil on cyber-espionage


Google to remove research censorship warnings in China

China is a difficult market for Google: the Web giant has been fighting for many years with the government over Internet censorship and freedom. Google search engine based in Hong Kong will completely remove warnings sent to users. Until now, even though the web giant was not able to circumvent censorship that restricts access to