Phishing Attack Targeting Password Managers

Despite numerous methods of protecting your account details, including the trusted password manager technique, users are warned against a hack that can see phishing attack targeting password managers. Phishing is a method of hacking that steals both username and password combinations, even that of two-step authentication. With online hacking and stealing information becoming more and


Biometrics To Replace Passwords, But Is It More Secure?

Passwords have long been at the forefront of computer security, since the very beginning in fact, but as technology advances, then so should the security protecting it. It has long been touted as the successor with biometrics to replace passwords, but is it more secure? The problem with passwords is that it is simply just


UK Intelligence Agency Release Password Advice

The GCHQ, the intelligence agency in the UK, has released an informative report on how people could and should simplify their passwords. The file, named “Password guidance: simplifying your approach” hopes to teach users that instead of using difficult combinations of letter and numbers in order to secure their online presence, that they should instead use


Yahoo To Get Rid of Passwords

Passwords have always been an inconvenience, trying to create a memorable one that is both secure and easy to remember, and then trying to actually remember the password. Fingerprint scanners have come and gone with little success. Now there seems to be a good alternative than trying to remember a series of complex letters and numbers. Yahoo to


Big Security Changes After Anthem Breach

After the breach of security at many high-profile companies, including Sony Pictures and more recently Anthem, the health insurance company that had over 80 million customer details leaked in an attack last week. This attack is just the latest in a line of breaches that have cost companies millions as well as putting even more people’s


Protect Yourself Online with Le VPN

With all the cases of stolen data, hacked systems and security breaches that have been happening more and more frequently, it definitely pays to start monitoring your own safety online. Attacks can happen anywhere and you wouldn’t even know when they happen. Learn to protect yourself online with Le VPN. When you use the internet, you


The World’s Weakest Passwords Revealed

Security company SplashData has released its annual chart detailing a list of the worst possible passwords to use. The world’s weakest passwords revealed and it is quite unbelievable at passwords still being widely used online. The list is also a way to teach internet users simple passwords not to use, as well as the types of passwords which are not


Hacker Steals Fingerprint From Picture

Even though Passwords can prove useful in protecting our data, they can also be frustrating to remember, not to mention relatively easy for hackers to crack. Alternatives are being explored to replace the trusted security measure. One such alternative is fingerprint scanning technology which has been in use for many years already and even included in


The End of Passwords?

Passwords have always been a pain for anyone using computers and the internet, trying to remember a complicated series of words and numbers just to save your privacy. When you forget a password, which happens a lot, can be a pain to recover it. Having to send an email reminder or perhaps a security question,