WiFi Home Security: Take Care of Yourself and Each Other

WiFi Home Security: Take Care of Yourself and Each Other

Trust is an excellent thing to have, especially when it pertains to the people you work with or that enter your home. But when it comes to WiFi home security, it is not the people who are the issue, but their devices.

Better to be safe than sorry. And, you can’t pick your friends and family based on their cybersecurity habits. Some people just don’t have the information needed to be always safe.

Thankfully, there is a range of DIY home security systems and solutions that you can use to protect everyone in your home. Compartmentalization, as the basis of this type of security, is easy to install and enforce. And, it will protect both your primary devices and those used by your friends, family, and colleagues.

Finally, using a premium VPN like Le VPN will give you additional options on how to separate, manage, and protect all of these connections.

WiFi Home Security: Take Care of Yourself and Each Other. | Le VPN

Sectors of WiFi Home Security

The biggest flaw in any cybersecurity system is the domino effect. In most obsolete or unsecured environments, once a hacker gets one password, they have access to virtually everything you have.

This is precisely why modern security systems are separated into sectors, with different types of data, and access points have almost no connection with one another. Even if a compromised device enters the network, it will only reach directly connected peers.

This doesn’t need to apply to all of your devices, only to those you are unable to supervise.

For instance, if you administer an office network, it would be a major breach of privacy to check everyone’s smartphone. What you can do is provide everyone with a separate password and credentials that won’t ever compromise the main server.

Risks of Shared WiFi Password

For the same reasons why you shouldn’t have a shared social media account with anyone, you shouldn’t share a password with people that may not act the same tomorrow. Only, in this case, it has more to do with their devices than their emotions.

When multiple people have the same password, the security of the whole system is only as good as its weakest link. You only need one user to carry dangerous malware on their phone or laptop to infect every single device.

Additionally, if this is the case in a work environment, the malware or virus can get embedded in the server. This will be hard to clean up, but it will also share delicate data with the malware’s maker, putting both your company’s and your client’s data at risk.

Multi-Point Intrusion

Having a shared password becomes an insurmountable problem for your WiFi home security if you are ever a target of planned cyber-attacks. With lapses in cyber-hygiene or any of the places you have left your data being hacked, this becomes a reasonable possibility even if you don’t think you have too many funds someone could steal.

There are a lot of VPN uses, but none of them will save you if you simply say your password to what is trying to hack you.

What you can do is make a guest PoE for unchecked devices that come into your home. This way, you can secure other devices from that point and force even a focused hack to pass through the VPN server first.

And when it is a premium VPN provider in question, basically only the government has that kind of tech, and maybe Elon Musk.

At-Work Security

Acting like everyone at work is a dedicated part of a happy family is good PR, but we all know it is a lie. Most people will not care about the company’s cybersecurity, nor should they unless they are paid for that.

It is the job of the administrator to protect both the employees and the company system. And, by having all parties have their dedicated log-in credentials, you will protect every device separately and always know directly where the attack coming from.

Preventing Intrusions

It is generally easy to prevent intrusions without needing to access every device entering the network one by one. The same way you can find your IP location and address, you can find the address of your router.

Here you can create multiple WiFi accounts with different bandwidths where guests can access your internet.

And the most incredible thing is that you can just as easily disable these accounts once there is no more need, preventing any future mishaps from unauthorized access.

Adding a Guest WiFi Password

Most routers have the same IP address ( if you are connecting with an Ethernet cable or are the first device connected. By typing this address in your browser, you will access the router’s interface.

From here, you can make additional accounts and their passwords.

Just make sure not to use the same password as for the main WiFi account.

Installing a VPN Router

Having a VPN will not only protect you from intruders and snoopers but will also let you circumvent annoying practices like Sony censorship of media.

Having a VPN router will let all of the devices connected be secured and their IP address protected. For a home setting, this is probably the best security solution available, as it requires no supervision.


Having a good WiFi home security system is not as hard, even if you have a lot of people going through your home.

By making a guest password, you can separate your friends from your main devices, and by having a premium VPN such as Le VPN for WiFi home security, you can provide a good cover of cybersecurity to everyone involved.



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Written by Vuk Mujović @VukMujovic

Vuk Mujović is the founder of MacTíre Consulting, an analyst, data management expert, and a long-term writer on all things business & tech. He authored blogs, articles, and opinion pieces aimed to help both companies and individuals achieve growth without compromising their security. Vuk is a regular guest author to Le VPN Blog since January 2018, where he gives his expert opinion on the topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, online freedom, and personal data protection. He also often shares his tips and best practices in relation to internet security and digital safety of private individuals and small businesses, including some additional applications of using a VPN service.

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