Where do You Need a VPN the Most when Traveling?

Where do You Need a VPN the Most when Traveling?

There are two huge reasons why anyone would use a VPN. First, it is to be able to see content from all around the world. Second, it is to prevent others from seeing your information and browsing patterns. Any place where this is an issue is somewhere where you need a VPN the most when traveling there.

Additionally, many places in the world are not as interested in private information and identity theft. While it might be illegal, without the proper experience of solving and investigating the issue, you might be left without anything for a long time before your problem is resolved.

Categories of countries and places where you should always use a VPN are:

  1. Where governments spy on you
  2. If internet access is illegal
  3. When there are serious geo-restrictions

Thankfully, it is very easy to have a VPN anywhere today. With premium providers with a proven track record like Le VPN, you will be able to connect everything in your home, including your smartphone and laptop, under the same untraceable account.

Why Do You Need a VPN when Traveling?

Where do You Need a VPN the Most when Traveling? | Le VPN

Being hacked and attacked while traveling is not an issue of destinations being malicious in any way. Simply, the number of people relaxing and having a good time is a prime target for many criminals who would like to take advantage of the perceived negligence.

You will certainly use some public WiFi when drinking your cocktails in a beach bar. You are here to relax, and Instagram needs to know how good a time you are having. But, that WiFi can be a trap and might record your data and even compromise your device.

But, if you have a personal VPN on your smartphone, then all of that data will be encrypted and scrambled for anyone snooping through the MITM attacks. You can chat and upload away with only your followers seeing where you are and what you are doing.

Additionally, if you are vacationing abroad, you might see some geo-restrictions and notice that some of the content you use at home is unavailable. If you are using the hotel internet, even with your smartphone that is registered back home, you will show the hotel’s IP address.

If you switch your connection VPN server to one that is back home, you will see the same services available again.

Risks for Your Device When Traveling

Almost all cybersecurity risks can be divided into active and passive risks. Unfortunately, this doesn’t change when you are traveling.

On one side, you have hackers and snoopers that will try to steal or collect your private information. There is also a possibility of leaks where you will leave your private information willingly, and it might be misused in the future.

Finally, some places don’t keep personal freedoms and privacy in such high regard, and there is a chance of government tracking in surveillance. For example, if you are in China as a foreigner, you will have a person dedicated to keeping track of you. And, if you are not using a VPN for China, everything you do through your device will be monitored.


Most people by now know that hacking is rarely done by brute force with someone wildly typing away on a keyboard in some remote room filled with screens. In most cases, hackers exploit the negligence and gullibility of their victims.

And, while you might be aware of these things at home, traveling is usually a time when you relax. This is why your devices need to be ready before you even go anywhere so that you don’t need to spend time and energy after you board the plane.

Tracking and Surveillance

This is, regretfully, something that happens very often and even in Western countries which pride themselves in personal liberties. But, when traveling, it is even more common.

And, while some governments around the world track the people coming into their country for safety reasons, both to the traveler and the local population, others are willing to exploit the private information.

Especially if you have something sensitive on your device, there is a significant chance that you might be blackmailed to do something when you return. Because of this, it is better to clean everything before you go and have a mobile VPN for your device that will protect you when you are abroad.

Legal Repercussion

There are countries where consuming media from abroad is illegal. For instance, if you are in Caracas and want to film the streets and post it on Instagram, you might be charged with a misdemeanor or even a felony as a ”foreign instigator’.

Here, if you don’t have a VPN Venezuela connection, you will be tracked and can be in trouble even if you have come into the country in good faith.

Avoiding Annoyance

Finally, some places you will travel to are not dangerous, malicious, or in any serious way restricting. Rather, there are places where the ads you will receive and restrictions of media will just be annoying.

The inability to watch a show or play a game from back home when you are traveling isn’t something to cry about but is troublesome and will prevent you from relaxing.


It is beneficial to use a VPN all of the time as a general rule. But, there are places where you need to have a VPN when you travel there. Thankfully, with premium providers like Le VPN, it is easy to use the same account on your mobile devices as you use at home and stay safe regardless of your destination.



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Written by Vuk Mujović @VukMujovic

Vuk Mujović is the founder of MacTíre Consulting, an analyst, data management expert, and a long-term writer on all things business & tech. He authored blogs, articles, and opinion pieces aimed to help both companies and individuals achieve growth without compromising their security. Vuk is a regular guest author to Le VPN Blog since January 2018, where he gives his expert opinion on the topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, online freedom, and personal data protection. He also often shares his tips and best practices in relation to internet security and digital safety of private individuals and small businesses, including some additional applications of using a VPN service.

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