When Did the Internet Start: History of Cyber Security

The history of the Internet is a long list of solutions and problems created by those solutions. So while we know when the technology that created the net was developed, we need to know these issues before we can decide when did the internet start for real. Internet security is one of the main metrics


How secure is your password, really?

When it comes to security, patterns can be dangerous When we do something over and over, it often becomes a habit – an internalized pattern that we can do without thinking. Take something like tying your shoes: you’ve been tying your shoes since you were 4 or 5 years old – for so long, that


Cybersecurity Trends for 2019

Although most experts will agree that it is impossible to asses exactly what innovations will be made in the future, cybersecurity trends in 2019 have reinforced some patterns predicted in the last few years and introduced some new ones. The most obvious overarching trend is the further regulation of the internet for the average user,


Bad Online Habits that Impact Your Internet Safety

One of the things that make the internet so amazing is the freedom it provides. You can be anyone, anywhere, and do anything. But, the fact that there is a screen between you and the rest of the internet doesn’t mean that you don’t need to think about internet safety. Cybersecurity and internet safety is


Data Privacy Day

Today is the Data Privacy Day. In Europe this day is known as the “Data Protection Date”; and its objective is to make people aware of protecting their information and activity when they surf the Internet. Since the Convention 108, the first legally binding international treaty dealing with privacy and data protection, signed in 1981


Top 10 internet security trends in 2018

Not to sound all gloom and doom, internet security issues have not seen 2017 as a good year. With multiple hacks, ransomware getting rampant and several major hardware manufacturers reporting flaws in the security microcoding of their products, 2018 is bound to be a year of significant changes in the world of cyber-security. This doesn’t


The Most Dangerous Social Media Apps Children Are Using

Social media is invading all of our lives and not always in a good way. Read on to find out what are the most dangerous social media apps for children and what you need to know to keep you, and your children, safe. The Most Unsafe Social Media Apps In Use Today App. Apps. Buzzwords


7 Reasons Why Cybersecurity Threats Target Small Businesses

Hackers and cybercriminals are shifting their focus to small business for many reasons, read on to find out what you need to know, and how to protect your business from cybersecurity threats.   Small Business Cybersecurity Threats It’s hard to know just why some criminals do what they do but in most cases it comes