Apple Remove Over 250 Privacy-Invading Apps

Apple have had to intervene and remove hundreds of apps that breach user’s security. It turned out that an advertising company was syphoning off email addresses and contacts through a breach of security, without the developers knowledge. It was reported that more than 1 million downloads of the offending apps have taken place, in response Apple remove


High School Students Hack CIA Director’s Email

The personal email account of John Brennan, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, was hacked and led to the exposure of more than 20 employees of the CIA. Federal investigators are looking into the breach of security after the attack took place on Monday which left the Director red-faced. When it was found that high school


Samsung Suffers Hack on Pay System

A small upstart company in Massachusetts, USA, came up with the idea that would later be bought out by one of the world’s biggest electronic brands, Samsung. This technology, called LoopPay, would later evolve into what underpins Samsung’s mobile payments system, to rival Apple Pay. But Chinese hackers attacked the small subsidiary a number of


Stay Safe When Working Remotely with Le VPN

Nowadays, with high speed internet access available in most place in the world, the ability and freedom of working from home, or remotely, is higher than ever. With so many companies in hot water over security breaches and hacking recently, now is more important than ever to protect yourself online, stay safe when working remotely with


Facebook Accused of Spying on Citizens

In a privacy lawsuit looking to cause the social media giant a few headaches, the data regulating body in Belgium has Facebook accused of spying on citizens. A court in Belgium is listening to the case bought forward by the BPC, the Belgium Privacy Commission, who are accusing Facebook of not just spying on their own


First Major Attack on App Store Causes Apple to Remove Apps

The App Store has long been considered a safe haven, where it was pretty much impossible to download any malicious software, or any program that could potentially harm your phone or computer. But now, the first major attack on app store causes Apple to remove apps. The malware, called XcodeGhost affected several apps on the


US Airline Forced to Ground Flights After Glitch

Due to a computer glitch at several busy airports across the USA, a large number of American Airlines flights have been forced to ground until the problem is resolved. Planes in Chicago, Dallas and Miami were prevented from taking off until the issue had been fixed. The issue was first bought to the airlines’ attention at


UK Intelligence Agency Release Password Advice

The GCHQ, the intelligence agency in the UK, has released an informative report on how people could and should simplify their passwords. The file, named “Password guidance: simplifying your approach” hopes to teach users that instead of using difficult combinations of letter and numbers in order to secure their online presence, that they should instead use


Reasons Why You Need to Be Using a VPN

If you are a regular user of the internet then you really should be using a VPN, also known as a Virtual Private Network. As hacking, identity fraud and other forms of online crime is becoming more prevalent you should take whatever steps you can to protect yourself. So these are the reasons why you need to


Self-Driving Cars Open to Hacking

With the world shifting towards automatic cars that drive themselves, the number of issues concerning a machine driving you around grows. Unfortunately one fear has become a reality, is that it has been found  that self-driving cars open to hacking. The lidar sensor, which is found on top of automated vehicles, is a sensor, a laser ranging