South Korea: Users Sue Apple Over iPhone Throttling

If you are an iPhone user, you know how the phone’s performance slows down. Some time back, Apple agreed that it throttled the performance of older iPhones. Despite that, the users are not willing to forgive Apple. The recent case is of South Africa. Here, 63,767 iPhone users have lodged a class action lawsuit against


Can U.S. Internet giants be allied to the FBI to spy on foreigners?

According to the Washington Post and the Guardian, the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and the FBI have access to the servers of nine U.S. Internet giants, including Microsoft, Yahoo!, Google and Facebook so as to monitor what foreign web users are doing. This of course has been denied by the IT groups concerned. This


Protect Yourself on the Go with Le VPN for iPhone

Internet use has become so far reaching now, that there is hardly a single person that doesn’t regularly surf the internet. If you are someone who spends a lot of time online, whether it is just to browse, or for work or study reasons, it would be very beneficial in using a VPN. With most


Apple Release Fix for Broken Links Bug on iOS

After a bug on Apple’s iOS was discovered which led to devices locking up, drained batteries and links to be completely inoperative, a fix has been released. As Apple release fix for broken links bug on iOS, the problem which was due to third-party apps which were programmed wrong, caused issues with a core component of iOS.


Apple Declare Victory Against FBI But Fight Continues

With the long and drawn out battle between the FBI and Apple over encryption, an end to the case has been found but it isn’t quite as simple a victory. As Apple declare victory against FBI but fight continues as the war of privacy vs security carries on. After the case was bought before the


Apple VS FBI Battle is Taken to Congress

In the latest battle between privacy and security, the ongoing dispute over unlocking the San Bernardino shooters phone has finally stepped up a gear and entered Congress to settle the dispute. As the Apple vs FBI battle is taken to Congress during a five hour ordeal ended in a somewhat victory for Apple and privacy.


Would You Connect to an Unsecured Wifi Network For No Cost?

In a worrying yet unsurprising study, Czech security and anti-virus firm Avast set out to see who exactly who would be willing to sacrifice their security for free wifi. They set up a series of free wifi spots in Barcelona airport, attempting to see who would connect. Would you connect to an unsecured wifi network for no


Apple in Trouble Over S3 Error That Permanently Locks iPhone

A security feature implemented by Apple has inadvertently left hundred of iPhone’s completely useless, after a protection failsafe locks phones after third party repairs. But it seems that lawsuits are cropping up all around the world as Apple in trouble over S3 error that permanently locks iPhone. The mysterious ‘S3’ error started appearing when users took


Apple Joins Argument Against Proposed Security Law

In a rare move from the Californian tech giants, Apple joins argument against proposed security law in the UK that could see the security of millions affected. The UK government plan to approve and move on a law that would greatly increase the investigative powers of governments as well as law enforcement agencies. The bill


Biometrics To Replace Passwords, But Is It More Secure?

Passwords have long been at the forefront of computer security, since the very beginning in fact, but as technology advances, then so should the security protecting it. It has long been touted as the successor with biometrics to replace passwords, but is it more secure? The problem with passwords is that it is simply just