Feature Upgrades For Windows 10 Mobile

There are a number of people who make use of Windows phone. Once you get habitual of using a Windows phone, it becomes very inconvenient to use any other android or apple phones. Windows phones do have some great features. However, Windows users will now get some additional features in their Windows 10 phones. To


Assure Mobile Security With Le VPN’s Android And iOS Apps

Today, our lives revolve entirely around the internet. Everything we do relates to the World Wide Web in some way or the other. However, there are some things that you might want to keep private. For instance, you might want to keep your browsing private. Mobile security is a big factor in this case. Gone


Better IT Security Is Must For Better Privacy

When you are using the internet, it is important to remain cautious about your security. There are number of hackers who are waiting to attack. One cannot afford to compromise on IT security. In case you ignore your IT security, then, you may lose important data and reveal sensitive information about yourself. Hence, it is


Enjoy Le VPN’s 7-Day Free Virtual Private Network

There are countless times when you want to access a particular website. But you are unable to do so because your geographical location is not allowing. In this scenario, a VPN is the perfect option to bypass such restrictions. A VPN is a virtual private network. If you are looking to have a VPN service


Why You Need The Best Android VPN For Your Smartphone

The use of smartphones is one the rise. Rightly so, as it allows you to do more than just calling and sending messages. It is like carrying your computer and television with you. You can easily connect to the internet and you can also watch your favourite shows. But there is one concern and that


Here’s Why You Need The Best VPN For Android

Smartphones keep you connected to the world, even when you are travelling. You do not have to miss out on social media or downloading emails or accessing your favourite programmes. But your security and privacy is at risk. However, if you use best VPN for Android phones, then, there is nothing to worry. The Benefits


Facebook’s ‘Find Wi-Fi’ And Cyber Security

With the increase in the use of the internet, the question of cyber security is becoming more crucial. Though, everyone knows what is cyber security, it is important to know how to ensure the same? In simple words, it is protecting your online presence from prying eyes. The more you use the public Wi-Fi, the


Samsung and Huawei Fingerprint Scanners Hacked By Printer

Fingerprint scanners on phones were supposed to herald in a new age of security, replacing password entries. But the new technology took a step backwards as it was found that Samsung and Huawei fingerprint scanners hacked by printer. Researchers from Michigan State University found that by using simple methods, involving an off the shelf inkjet printer