Russian Hackers Stream Private Webcams

Cyber security is a major stake and new forms of cyber threats keep on rising. A website site linked to 73,011 unsecured security camera locations in 256 countries illustrates the dangers of using default passwords. Security camera are supposed to bring security, not to provide footage for anyone to stream and watch. In 2014, the


Data Manipulation Will Be Newest Cyber Threat

Data security with VPN will be highly needed. In the world of security, the heads of Intelligence in the USA and many other countries are warning about cyber security aspects and explaining about the latest threats. Data manipulation will be newest cyber threat, according to the FBI, CIA, the NSA and the Defence Intelligence Agency


The Many Benefits of Using a VPN

There are many benefits of using a VPN and there has never been a better time to start protecting yourself online, with cyber attacks and data breaches occurring all over the world. Outside of virus protection, most people are not even aware they have to protect themselves in other ways. The easiest and most secure


Will mobile payment be made easier soon?

Some solutions to facilitate mobile payment are arriving soon Finalize an online purchase from a smartphone should be simpler soon. Solutions arrive on the market to facilitate this key step for mobile payment to take-off. It is true that more people use their smartphone or tablet to surf online, as confirmed by a study published


How to use a VPN on a Cruise

Going for a cruise is great: you enjoy your time resting in the sun, having a drink and a swim and stopping at a harbor to visit a special resort or seing some great scenery. But how about getting access to Internet to share this good time with your loved ones? You may just need to get


Public Anonymity In Danger Due to Facial Recognition

FindFace, a newly released smartphone app, has taken Russia by storm and is potentially putting public anonymity in danger due to facial recognition. The app, developed by Artem Kukharenko and Alexander Kabakov, allows users to photograph people and work out their identities, with reliability sitting around 70%. It works by comparing photographs with the social media


Twitter Prevents Selling of User Data to Spy Agencies

Collecting data on users has always been a valuable pursuit to certain organisations and companies, especially since the rise of social media via Twitter for example. Up until this point, it has been relatively easy for anyone to collect data that is publicly shared online. But it has been announced that Twitter prevents selling of


Hacker Collects Over 272 Million Email Addresses and Passwords

A Russian hacker collects over 272 million email addresses and passwords that he has been collecting over a period of time. As the unnamed hacker collected so many email addresses and passwords, security firm Hold Security, managed to obtain the database. The extent of the data which was collected included email addresses from Yahoo, Gmail and


Stay Safe When You Use The Internet Abroad With Le VPN

With summer right around the corner, many of you will be thinking of travelling to warmer climates or the start of your gap year backpacking trip around the world. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you stay safe when you use the internet abroad with Le VPN. When you are travelling around the world,