How secure is your password, really?

When it comes to security, patterns can be dangerous When we do something over and over, it often becomes a habit – an internalized pattern that we can do without thinking. Take something like tying your shoes: you’ve been tying your shoes since you were 4 or 5 years old – for so long, that


Cybersecurity Trends for 2019

Although most experts will agree that it is impossible to asses exactly what innovations will be made in the future, cybersecurity trends in 2019 have reinforced some patterns predicted in the last few years and introduced some new ones. The most obvious overarching trend is the further regulation of the internet for the average user,


Top 10 Cyber Safety Tips for Parents

To steer clear from the internet, or better said Internet-based information, in the 21st century is almost impossible unless you have made a clear and conscious decision to abandon modern society and live free like Robinson Crusoe. Since the later is not only a fictional character trapped in a castaway circumstance void of his own


What Are The Security Advantages Of Using A VPN?

VPNs have many security advantages but not all services are the same. Read on to find out how a VPN for online safety can make your computer connection safe, and how to make it even more secure. How Can I Make My VPN Even More Secure? Internet privacy is a major issue facing the world


Google Home Can Make More Complex Conversations Now!

Tech companies are coming up with digital assistants. You can almost have a natural conversation with them. What about the privacy concerns? Well, the assistant will listen to you, and so there will be privacy concerns. But you do have the option to switch on and off the privacy mode from the settings menu of


Global IoT Spending To Reach $773 Billion This Year

The IoT industry is booming. Today, IoT happens to be the fourth largest industry segment. Even though the Tech industry is witnessing advancements, cybercrime is very much prevalent. The cybercriminals find new ways of attacking IoT devices, which are used almost everywhere. Therefore, to ensure IoT security, you must pick a VPN service carefully. IoT


Microsoft’s New Windows 10 IoT Core Services

Microsoft is launching a new service called Windows 10 IoT Core Services, and it is a paid service. The new service will complement the existing free Windows 10 IoT Core operating system. It is for individuals who want to commercialize secure IoT devices. When IoT Core Services are used in conjunction with the best VPN


Mac Computers Face Issues with Signal App’s Encryption

Le VPN Over Any Best Free VPN For Mac The Signal app is top-rated amongst the Mac computer users who wish online privacy. The security experts also acclaim this app. This app is said to be one of the best for sending private messages. The signal app uses the high-end encryption technology. However, those who


Google To Block Auto Play Feature In Chrome 66

Google has announced to block the auto play feature in Chrome 66. This step will offer a better browsing experience to the users who get irritated with advertisements barking right as they log in to the website. Many game developers complained that blocking auto play is interfering with their gaming experience. Accordingly, Google is working