Activists GreatFire Urge Western Companies to End Chinese Censorship

GreatFire, an organisation set up to combat the Great Firewall of China, is hoping to end the hypocrisy of companies and free speech in China. As the activists GreatFire urge Western companies to end Chinese censorship, they blame companies like Apple for their so-called hypocrisy in regards to China’s censorship. As companies such as Apple always


EU Net Neutrality Laws Exposed by Loopholes

The Net Neutrality debate still rages on long after it was finally ruled in an EU court, that internet service providers would not discriminate and treat all websites equal when it comes to speeds. This also prevents websites and company paying for preferential treatment for faster internet speeds. But there is more to the legislations,


Major Internet Service Providers Slow Net Speeds

Research conducted in the United States has confirmed that several major ISP’s are slowing internet traffic to both businesses and homes all across America, counting for more than 75% of all internet users. The study, conducted by online activists Battleforthenet, has found the biggest corporations to be guilty of slowing traffic down. The companies include


FCC Set To Vote on Net Neutrality

The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is finally looking like it will pass the laws that will see a stricter hold on broadband internet, ensuring no company or organisation will have an advantage over another when it comes to internet traffic or attempting to control the flow of data and information. This includes controversial plans to introduce


Watch TV Channels Online with SmartDNS

As its that time of the year when everyone’s favourite TV shows are returning, or brand new ones are broadcast, you definitely don’t want to be missing any of them. Wherever you are in the world, watch TV channels online with SmartDNS. SmartDNS is a service that comes with Le VPN, which allows you to watch


Get Access to the Entire Netflix Library

Netflix is a great way to catch up on all your favourite shows, even ones that have been off the air for years. The vast collection of films, ranging from newly released to classics, has enough content to keep you glued for an entire weekend. Even many new TV shows are starting on Netflix, with


Protests Gather in Hungary Against Internet Tax

20,000 disgruntled Hungarians took to the streets of Budapest as protests gather in Hungary against internet tax. The highly opposed plan to implement a data transfer tax on the internet was put froward by the Hungarian government, lead by prime minister Viktor Orban, where they propose a 150 Forint (0.61 US$) on every gigabyte of


Is Internet freedom at risk?

After the Prism revelations, personal data security has become a global issue. How to regulate the Internet freedom against the Internet giants and the governments is now a global concern. Will 2014 mean the end of Internet freedom? Today, personal data are accessible to everyone, through our posts on Facebook, our online shopping on Amazon