The launch of international cooperation against cybercrime

As soon as a new innovation emerges, small and large criminal organizations, international cooperation seize it and divert it to their own benefit. This is also what happens on the Internet: criminals have instantaneously realized that they could enjoy a playground without borders, hence without limits. Indeed, since the rules are not harmonized between countries,


Google wants to change Internet authentication tools

2012 may have been the year of Internet theft passwords with the help of authentification tools have become booming cases. You have probably received some requests by email to send money or messages offering exceptional offers but containing corrupt links from friends or relatives whose email accounts had been hacked. Passwords and cookies are simple


Cyberthreats trends in 2013

According to McAfee company recent Threat Predictions report, cybercrime will still be growing in 2013, trends up. “Cybercriminals and hacktivists will strengthen and evolve the techniques and tools they use to assault our privacy, bank accounts, mobile devices, businesses, organizations and homes,” said Vincent Weafer, senior vice president of McAfee Labs. Indeed the report commented


2012, a year of growing cybercrime

The Club Computer Security in France (CLUSIF) presented its 2012 overview of cybercrime on January 17th: last year has been indeed marked by increasingly diverse attacks and “cyberwar”. In 2011, CLUSIF had identified the emergence of threats for mobile phones that have been confirmed: sending premium SMS on mobile botnets have become very fashionable. And