The safety, security, and well-being of children on the internet became an issue the first moment kids were even able to go online. Thankfully, kids safety online is much easier to achieve if we remember that they are much more reasonable than they appear to us as parents and that they will use the tools you explain to them.
When we talk about parenting, prevention is essential. We need to organize children’s cybersecurity so that they are protected both from the dangers that they will see and those that they might miss.
Thankfully, there are both tools and ways to approach this to mitigate most of the risk. With providers like Le VPN, we can protect all of our family members, including our children, from cyber-attacks that come from the outside. And, with a few tips, we can fight what is left both with prevention and head-on.
What is Kids Safety Online?
To understand how to ensure kids safety online, we must first know why it is so risky. Children are not dumber than adults in any way; they might even be smarter. But, the underdevelopment of their endocrine system, which develops in puberty, makes them more emotionally susceptible to trickery and scams.
Also, until the frontal lobe fully connects with the rest of the brain, humans can really think about far-reaching consequences. This will finish with women around the age of 18 and with men around the age of 22.
Because of these very human and very normal issues, they are more at risk from stuff like online harassment and cyberbullying.
7 Tips for Kids Safety Online:
#1 Operate from a Safe Environment: Automatically connect through a VPN
A house is built from the ground up. You need to offer your child a solid foundation where it won’t be plunged to the dangers of the internet right from the start.
From a technical standpoint, this means that your child will always be connected through a VPN and won’t have immediate access to all of the apps and features on their phone or computer.
And, from a psychological standpoint, it means that you will calmly and openly discuss what is happening online with your child. If they put something in front of you, don’t run away, every subject is allowed the moment they find it online.
#2 Cyber Hygiene from an Early Age: Set Some Rules Together
Cyber hygiene is quickly becoming of the most important features of cybersecurity and something you need to take full advantage of the best uses for VPN connections.
For your kid, this can be a game, and it is probably the best way to introduce staying covert online and using an avatar. Help them pick out their gamer tag and pseudonym that they will use for anything online that is not related to school.
#3 Introduce them to Social Media
Social media sites are some of the most dangerous apps children are using, and there is no way you will be able to prevent them from accessing these sites.
A much better approach is to guide them in, maybe even before their friends open accounts on the same platform. This will also allow you to open them to some relatively safer websites like Reddit, where they will be able to learn about the experiences of others before trying to start their TikTok or Instagram career at the age of 8.
#4 Play-Along to Teach Responsible Gaming and Prevent In-Game Abuse
If you haven’t been an avid gamer before, becoming a parent is a good reason to become one. You won’t be able to avoid gaming, so you should help them learn to game and act in-game responsibly.
Instead of being the dad that deleted his son’s Minecraft world, you should be the one building it with your child.
It is not just a good way to teach your child how to deal with in-game abuse and griefing, but also a great way to bond and learn more about what is happening in their life when you are not around.
#5 Establish Open Discussions: Google it Together
Don’t lie, and don’t say you don’t know, any question your child has you can find out together.
These will include some very uncomfortable questions, especially as they are growing up, but you should face them head-on. Santa Claus might not be a person, but it doesn’t mean that they are not real, it is a symbol of the season and giving presents.
Exploit the fact that your child is open to abstract thinking and dabble a bit in philosophy.
#6 Live and let Live: Explain Online Harassment
You need to explain to your child everything about online harassment and how it happens.
This is not only so they wouldn’t be a victim, but also to prevent them from harassing someone else just because they don’t know the effect. Teach them to disregard the dumb and report the aggressive, calmly, and without stress.
#7 No Free Lunch: Prepare them to Avoid Common Traps
This point should come hand in hand with explaining the value of money and work. Kids safety online is much easier to accomplish if they know that nobody will be giving them free stuff for nothing.
V-bucks and Animal crossing bells are the new candy from a white van, and you should approach it in the same way.
There is no way to prevent your child from going online to play games and communicate with friends, nor should you do such a thing.
Approach the issue reasonably and guide your child through cyberspace as you do through life. With software like Le VPN, you will protect the device, and by using these tips, you can protect the child itself.
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Written by Vuk Mujović @VukMujovic
Vuk Mujović is the founder of MacTíre Consulting, an analyst, data management expert, and a long-term writer on all things business & tech. He authored blogs, articles, and opinion pieces aimed to help both companies and individuals achieve growth without compromising their security. Vuk is a regular guest author to Le VPN Blog since January 2018, where he gives his expert opinion on the topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, online freedom, and personal data protection. He also often shares his tips and best practices in relation to internet security and digital safety of private individuals and small businesses, including some additional applications of using a VPN service.