Le VPN To Curb Cyber Crime

Viruses, malware, data thefts, hacking are common these days. We all know cyber crime is on the rise. There is a need of stringent steps to curb these crimes. A number of countries are taking active measures to put an end to this menace. Kenya And Australia Against Cyber Crime Kenya: Among African countries, Kenya


Facebook Says, “No Posts to Show”

Social media is an inevitable part of everyone’s life today. The day starts with browsing the Facebook either to upload something or to check the posts by others. Our world revolves around how many likes we have received on our Facebook posts and what our friends have to say. Amidst all this, there is one


Australia Introduce Data Retention Law

A new law passed in Australia has meant that internet service providers are required by law to store customer’s data for up to two years, in a move many deem to be controversial. Similar to the laws passed in the UK, these new measures are enforced to combat a growing threat in national security. This move