Understand Web Filtering Tools And How To Bypass It

The Internet is a huge place. With so many things happening at once, sometimes we need to have some control over it. Web filtering screens a webpage and then decides to whether display the page to the user or not. However, people generally mix up the concepts web filtering and the Internet censorship. Internet censorship


Cybersecurity: Need And Demand Of Time

In this era of technology, millions of people use VPN to protect browsing from cyber hacking, and malware. So, cybersecurity is of utmost importance in the today’s digital world. A Virtual Private Network or VPN ensures anonymity and privacy. Therefore, many users rely on a VPN connection. By now, many users use anonymous VPN for


Internet Statistics are really impressive

Internet usage in the world is soaring. According to some data recently released by Hootsuite / We are Social, there are indeed 3.77 billion Internet users, which represents 50% of the population in the world. In 1995, it was less than 1%. As for social media, there are 2.79 billion members, i.e.37% of the population.


EU targets more privacy-friendly cookies

Will cookies still exist on websites and social media? European Union is back on track against the use of cookies with a directive draft investigating on how cookies should operate. The European Commission could thus destabilize the online advertising sector, enabling opt-in approach to be mandatory for third-party cookies. The European Union wants to protect better


Dropbox: 68 million passwords stolen

Dropbox has just revealed that 68 million emails and user passwords were stolen in 2012. A new leak which will certainly not be the last one. Dropbox, a US company that stores data in the cloud, announced last week that more than 68 million users’ accounts had been stolen, ie email addresses and passwords. The


Latest Cyber Attack Calls for Stronger Security

As yet another high profile cyber attack takes place, almost on a monthly basis now, IT experts around the world are pushing for stronger regulations as a means to tackle the ever growing problem of cyber crime. The Talk Talk data breach, the company’s third hack in the past 12 months already, is just another case