In an interconnected world, it is often the case that many of our accounts are connected with each other. To prevent our cybersecurity from falling like dominos, we need 2-factor authentication that will place a barrier between the hacker and any system they have gained access to. Le VPN has now implemented this feature for accessing their client area, further protecting users from any harm.
Especially if you are using Gmail or other online services as your base email account, it is vital to intersect the issue with an additional device. For most people, that will be their primary smartphone, but sometimes it is even better to have a new phone just for authentication.
As VPN is the cornerstone of good cybersecurity, it would be wise for your provider to have this type of protection. Le VPN has a very secure 2-factor authentication that won’t allow anyone to access your system without verifying the log-in credentials with a phone. This is just one of the ways how to use a VPN, but gives a lot to overall security.
What is 2-Factor Authentication?
The idea is quite simple, and it works wonders for cybersecurity.
The first factor will always be your username and password. By entering the correct credentials, you will show that you know the name of your account and the needed password, but it wouldn’t be proof that it is you entering them and not someone else.
The second factor is the SMS or email sent to another device that you designated owning. Using your phone is the best option because your email can be hacked, and in that case, the 2-step verification loses purpose.
Additionally, there can be other options like tokens or dedicated devices, but they usually create more issues. A phone is something most of us carry in our pocket at all times, and using it for verification is often a good idea.
2FA vs. SFA vs. MFA
It is apparent that if there is such a thing as needing two factors to access your accounts, there would be more. But, in this case, more is not necessarily better.
As you are trying to access something that is going to serve you, there should be a balance between being safe and keeping it easy to access your account. You don’t want to carry around tokens, IDs, phones, and password lists for something you would access every day.
If you are already keeping your IP address hidden with a VPN, and have the common sense not to leave your private phone number accessible to the general public, the 2-factor authentication will be more than enough to verify your identity.
SecureID Tokens
Companies that take their internal security seriously prefer to use ID tokens and flash drive keys rather than smartphone verification. This ensures that only employees can get access, as a phone number can be sold to someone else.
An ID token can be connected or disconnected. The former are usually USB or RFID keys that verify that the user has clearance to access the device or system. Disconnected keys are basically pagers where a number code will be sent to the key when access is requested, and you need to have the right key for your username and password.
Mobile Phones
Phones are much easier for everyday use.
We usually keep our phones at our side and can pull them out anytime. When you request 2-factor authentication this way, you will get an SMS on your phone number with a number you will use to verify your identity.
Not to mention that with the best mobile security app, this process becomes streamlined, and you lose nothing from utility while gaining additional security.
Advantages of a 2-Factor Authentication System
The most significant benefit of having 2-factor authentication is that you don’t need to leave too much data from the device to gain easier access.
The only information the system needs is your phone number that will verify your identity. This way, even if there is a security breach, there is no data collected that could be stolen or misused.
While there is a possibility for a phone number to be cloned, this is a lengthy process, and you would still receive verification messages you haven’t requested, which will alarm you to a security breach.
No Cookie Verification
Most websites and online services use cookies; a small HTML code sent to your device to verify that you are using a familiar device.
With double verification, this is no longer needed as the access information can be inside the system and never interfere with your device.
Unrestricted Access
Especially when it comes to banking information, any issue with access will result in the service being blocked. This also happens when you try to access your bank account from a different address or a different device.
With 2-factor verification, you can safely access any service from any device, as long as you have your smartphone with you.
Mitigating Risk
Needing two devices to access a service pulls double duty protecting the system you are accessing right now from brute force hacks that would break your password and other systems and services that may be connected.
As Le VPN gives access to multiple devices on the same premium VPN account, you want to have 2-factor authentication when accessing the Le VPN Client Area.
With threats multiplying, you want to have your cybersecurity bases covered. Le VPN, as a premium provider, has realized that additional verification brings a lot more security for the user, without diminishing the service in any way.
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Written by Vuk Mujović @VukMujovic
Vuk Mujović is the founder of MacTíre Consulting, an analyst, data management expert, and a long-term writer on all things business & tech. He authored blogs, articles, and opinion pieces aimed to help both companies and individuals achieve growth without compromising their security. Vuk is a regular guest author to Le VPN Blog since January 2018, where he gives his expert opinion on the topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, online freedom, and personal data protection. He also often shares his tips and best practices in relation to internet security and digital safety of private individuals and small businesses, including some additional applications of using a VPN service.