The impact of VPNs on online privacy and freedom of speech in totalitarian regimes

The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and live our lives. However, with the rise of totalitarian regimes, online privacy and freedom of speech have become increasingly threatened. In this article, we will explore the impact of VPNs on online privacy and freedom of speech in totalitarian regimes. Totalitarian regimes are known for


How Does Government Surveillance Influence Self Censorship Online

Does Online Surveillance Influence Behavior To answer the question “how does online surveillance influence the Internet” we must first ask ourselves does surveillance influence behavior at all? Does watching someone affect the way they respond? Without being a scientist schooled in such matters I would have to say yes, but it depends on the circumstances.


Data Manipulation Will Be Newest Cyber Threat

Data security with VPN will be highly needed. In the world of security, the heads of Intelligence in the USA and many other countries are warning about cyber security aspects and explaining about the latest threats. Data manipulation will be newest cyber threat, according to the FBI, CIA, the NSA and the Defence Intelligence Agency


Facebook Accused of Spying on Citizens

In a privacy lawsuit looking to cause the social media giant a few headaches, the data regulating body in Belgium has Facebook accused of spying on citizens. A court in Belgium is listening to the case bought forward by the BPC, the Belgium Privacy Commission, who are accusing Facebook of not just spying on their own


Google Warns of US Government’s Hacking Capabilities

Google has announced that it plans to stand against proposed legislation change that would see the FBI have even greater power when it comes to searching and seizing data. Google warns of US government’s hacking capabilities if this is to go ahead as it could mean the US government could hack any facility in the world.