Take Your Spotify Playlists Everywhere with Le VPN

With music streaming services replacing the more conventional mp3 players and classic iPods, it is now even easier to take your entire music collection with you, without the worry of space. Take your Spotify playlists everywhere with Le VPN. Unfortunately, much like the issues that plague other media such as TV shows and movies, licensing issues


UK Intelligence Agency Release Password Advice

The GCHQ, the intelligence agency in the UK, has released an informative report on how people could and should simplify their passwords. The file, named “Password guidance: simplifying your approach” hopes to teach users that instead of using difficult combinations of letter and numbers in order to secure their online presence, that they should instead use


The Shellshock Bug That Might Be Worse Than Heartbleed

The Shellshock bug that might be worse than Heartbleed. The Heartbleed ‘virus’, an encryption weakness that exposed a vulnerability in websites spread panic throughout the internet earlier this year, has now got a new, more potent cousin. Now, experts are warning a new threat to online users, this time it goes by the name Shellshock, or