Top 10 Cybersecurity Habits in the Post-Covid World

Top 10 Cybersecurity Habits in the Post-Covid World

For more than a decade now, the point of cybersecurity was to keep the status quo we had so far. But, the cybersecurity habits in the post-Covid world that you should adapt should not only keep you safe but make your life better at the same time.

The three things we need to focus on now are:

  1. Be capable of securely working from home
  2. Keep yourself adaptable and flexible
  3. Reduce the amount of stress that comes from the online world

And the last point is generally interconnected with everything else. You want your cybersecurity, which is a cornerstone of your online existence, to go fluently from your daily habits. Vigilance should be a matter of common sense, not an active feature that you need to think about every day.

Thankfully, there are tools to do this with ease. Primarily, there are VPN providers like Le VPN that will protect all of your devices, including iOS and Android smartphones. This will shield you from a lot of issues and many types of attacks. But, some practices need to surpass the digital.

More Has Changed than You Think

Top 10 Cybersecurity Habits in the Post-Covid World. | Le VPN

While medically, there are few parallels between Covid and the Black Death, economically, there are multiple.

We spent a whole year working remotely and learned all of the benefits and issues of such behavior, and that means that we might not be willing to accept the return to the cubicle. The US is facing a labor deficit that is not caused by medical reasons but rather social ones.

And this is exactly where we find ourselves. We want to be independent and work comfortably in a place that we can afford. This choice does bring a lot of freedom, but with great power comes great responsibility.

1. If You Want Liberty, Focus on Security

Keep your tools safe and your residence private. If you want to show that you can work remotely, make it absolutely certain that your data and the data of your contacts are safe.

Most security tips will remain the same, but you should always be mindful about what you are doing in your digital environment.

2. Privacy Is Everything

For any independent worker, your name is the most valuable thing you have. But, regarding the online world, the only way to keep your name clean is to keep it hidden. Staying private, both digitally through your IP address and in conversations, is always the best way to go.

3. Home Cybersecurity is Your Livelihood

If you wish people to work with you online, you need to prove that everything they say or do with you is private and secured. Having a VPN router just in case is a good idea as the increased time at home will increase the risk of compromising data as well.

4. Assuming Avatars

You can have your clean and frankly boring LinkedIn page under your real name. But, if you are going on Reddit, Twitter, or even Instagram, keep your info hidden.

Assume an identity of an avatar, use your gamer tag, just don’t use your name on any platform you use for fun, as that will lead you to mistakes.

5. Protect Your Device from Malware

Make regular maintenance and regular checkups. Make sure that both your OS and your anti-malware and anti-spyware software are up to date. Delete all unnecessary data frequently, and make sure that all of the private information you want to keep is stored remotely and offline.

6. Protect Your Mind from Scams

In the same way, you protect your devices; you need to protect your mind as well. Through introspection, realize if you are starved for company or fun and combat that in a productive way. This will prevent you from falling for a lot of scams that are popular today.

7. Move toward an Oykos Economy

The safest way is to have most of the things you need close to you. Ideally, you will want your hardware service, software maintenance, and networking to be done by someone living in or near your home.

This worked 2000 years ago and works today just as well.

8. Expand Your Skills

This point feeds into flexibility. Your cybersecurity habits in the post-Covid world should apply to multiple skills that will allow you to live comfortably regardless of what happens.

Especially now, when you are mostly at home and have some free time, why not spend it learning?

9. Explore Your Options

Make sure you try new things. Hackers always find ways to pass through the smallest of holes, and the best way to stay safe is to move those gaps all the time. Always shuffle your passwords, tags, and IP address locations to keep one step ahead of the competition.

10. Touch Grass

Finally, the best cybersecurity habit is to make sure you don’t need one now and then. Go outside, play in the yard, maybe tend to some plants. This will keep you fresh once you return to the screen and won’t pile up stress where it is not welcome.


Cybersecurity habits in the post-Covid world are something many online workers are already used to, but now they are needed for those who never thought about them. Thankfully, they are not as hard as they seem at first.

With a good VPN provider such as Le VPN, you will stay shielded and covert, and if you keep your devices clean from malware and the most critical backups offline, you will be able to work and prosper in all conditions.



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Written by Vuk Mujović @VukMujovic

Vuk Mujović is the founder of MacTíre Consulting, an analyst, data management expert, and a long-term writer on all things business & tech. He authored blogs, articles, and opinion pieces aimed to help both companies and individuals achieve growth without compromising their security. Vuk is a regular guest author to Le VPN Blog since January 2018, where he gives his expert opinion on the topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, online freedom, and personal data protection. He also often shares his tips and best practices in relation to internet security and digital safety of private individuals and small businesses, including some additional applications of using a VPN service.

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