Top 7 Reasons NOT To Use a VPN

Top 7 Reasons NOT To Use a VPN

Top 7 reasons NOT to use a VPN! Disclaimer: If you take everything literally, please read another article!

Reason #1 You love targeted advertising

If you definitely want to receive targeted advertising, we strongly advise you not to use a VPN. Targeted advertising is the type of advertising that appears on your screens, depending on your browsing habits. This means that if the advertising agencies to which your data is sold realize that you are interested in cycling, for example, you will see offers to purchase bikes that will appear during your web browsing. Le VPN services are far too effective against targeted advertising, so we strongly recommend you not to use a VPN.

Reason #2 You don’t want to see foreign shows

If you really don’t want to know or follow what’s happening abroad, then don’t subscribe to a VPN service. Indeed, with a VPN you might have access to foreign shows and series that are geographically limited in their broadcast. These limitations are related to your IP address, which among other factors, identifies the country in which you are located. By connecting to a VPN tunnel, you change this location, depending on the server to which you connect. For example, Le VPN provides 120+ different servers. And you really don’t want to be able to access all these media, so enjoy your traditional programs.

Reason #3 When traveling, you like to live like locals

When traveling in China or Russia, you don’t want to be able to keep in touch with your friends and family, neither to access your favorite sites. The bad news is, if you subscribe to Le VPN, you can get news from your loved ones! They’re already annoying you all year round, and you can’t go to a country that practices censorship without being a little quiet! And in addition to that, you will be forced to keep up to date with your favorite news sites!

Reason #4 You don’t like security

That’s your right! This concept of security is far too overrated; you love to live dangerously! What would life be like without taking some risks! With a VPN your connections would be encrypted and almost unreadable, all attacks such as a man in the middle would no longer be possible. And who thinks about hackers? Does anyone really care about them?

Reason #5 You don’t want to download content and never use P2P

Well, that’s good, I guess. Because with a VPN, anonymous downloading would be made totally possible, and maybe you would be tempted.

Reason #6 You want your WiFi connection to have more holes than a Swiss cheese

That’s your right! We’re still in a free country! Who’s going to force you to subscribe to Le VPN, so you don’t get your holiday photos stolen while you’re eating a burger? Because yes, public WiFi networks like those in fast food restaurants are real public dangers. It is so easy to steal any information or password from you. But your cheeseburger tastes better when you savor it dangerously!

Reason #7 You don’t use a smartphone

Smartphones are absolutely useless to you, and you don’t understand all those people who use them. If you were to use them, you would be well advised to avoid the dangers of using a mobile phone by subscribing to an offer from Le VPN, but fortunately, you don’t have a phone. Also, with their iPhone and Android app, it would be way too easy.

*Article Updated On January 10th, 2019.*

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Written by Vuk Mujović @VukMujovic

Vuk Mujović is the founder of MacTíre Consulting, an analyst, data management expert, and a long-term writer on all things business & tech. He authored blogs, articles, and opinion pieces aimed to help both companies and individuals achieve growth without compromising their security. Vuk is a regular guest author to Le VPN Blog since January 2018, where he gives his expert opinion on the topics related to cybersecurity, privacy, online freedom, and personal data protection. He also often shares his tips and best practices in relation to internet security and digital safety of private individuals and small businesses, including some additional applications of using a VPN service.

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