Estonia on the top for freedom of online expression

Estonia allows its citizens the greatest measure of freedom of online expression, according to the Freedom House, a Washington-based advocacy group. They have recently published a “Freedom on the Net 2012″report that puts this tiny Baltic country on the top of the list of countries with free internet. Freedom House’s rankings are based on factors


Means to counteract Internet censorship

Censorship circumvention techniques are able to challenge and counteract Internet censorship of dissident content. It came at a time when censoring online content critical of governments had reached high levels, particularly in regions witnessing unprecedented growth rates in Internet use such as China, Iran and Arab countries. But there are lots of ways to counteract


Internet censorship: brief country overview

A report (country overview) on the internet censorship prepared by University of Pretoria in South Africa has fallen into our hands, and we would like to share with you some of the interesting findings on internet censorship per country. Already, a report by Warf (2011) classified countries’ censorship as: Worst Internet censors: China, Burma/Myanmar, Vietnam