The Heartbleed Bug is Back… For Mobile Phones

When the Heartlbeed virus wrecked havoc across computer systems back last year, it sent shockwaves through the security sector as experts rushed to fix the problem. When we all thought we were safe from that kind of attack, a new virus has sprung up, this time affecting phones with the Android operating system. The Heartbleed


The Biggest Software Bugs of 2014

2014 wasn’t a great year for online security, this year had an alarming number of serious bugs. Even as security experts and companies were developing stronger safeguards against hackers and malware, bugs were being discovered in old code and software, long forgotten about. So why was 2014 so bad for bugs? A look at the biggest software


The Shellshock Bug That Might Be Worse Than Heartbleed

The Shellshock bug that might be worse than Heartbleed. The Heartbleed ‘virus’, an encryption weakness that exposed a vulnerability in websites spread panic throughout the internet earlier this year, has now got a new, more potent cousin. Now, experts are warning a new threat to online users, this time it goes by the name Shellshock, or


First hacker exploiting HeartBleed arrested

A young Canadian hacker has been arrested in Ontario (Canada), after having stolen social insurance numbers, using HeartBleed security bug. He is the first person arrested for stealing data using HeartBleed, this bug that has been much talked about in the media and is estimated by some experts to be “Internet worst nightmare.” An investigation


TLS HeartBleed Recommendations – message from Le VPN CEO

In light of recent events concerning the newly discovered vulnerability in OpenSSL, we want to bring your attention to a few things. First, we have thoroughly audited our network and infrastructure and can confirm that none of the Le VPN servers or infrastructure is vulnerable to the new OpenSSL HeartBleed bug. It is and always