Protecting your online privacy on social media

Social media platforms are a great way to stay connected with your friends, family, and colleagues. You can share your thoughts, opinions, photos, videos, and more with the world. However, social media also comes with some risks. If you are not careful, you could expose your personal information to strangers, hackers, or malicious third parties.


The Most Dangerous Social Media Apps Children Are Using

Social media is invading all of our lives and not always in a good way. Read on to find out what are the most dangerous social media apps for children and what you need to know to keep you, and your children, safe. The Most Unsafe Social Media Apps In Use Today App. Apps. Buzzwords


Tips For A More Secure Facebook Account

Want to be private and secure on Facebook and social media? Think again, by using those sites you agree to give up privacy, and risk security. How To Secure Facebook Account From Hackers If I had to make a list of the top websites to collect your data, invade your privacy and put you at


Information That You Must Not Put Up On Social Media Websites

In the past few years, social media has come to dominate our lives in a way we couldn’t imagine even five years ago. At present, our lives revolve entirely around social media. If there’s something you want to know about someone, just visit the various social media websites including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. to know


Your Online Security At Risk? Opt For VPN Privacy!

The online security of people is an issue of concern. We constantly come across the news of hacking and malware attacks. Such instances continuously raise further concerns in the minds of people. There are several cases where hackers attack users’ social media accounts. Therefore, it is important that you take appropriate measures like opting for