Top 10 Cyber Safety Tips for Parents

To steer clear from the internet, or better said Internet-based information, in the 21st century is almost impossible unless you have made a clear and conscious decision to abandon modern society and live free like Robinson Crusoe. Since the later is not only a fictional character trapped in a castaway circumstance void of his own


Mobile Apps That Are Putting Your Privacy And Security At Risk

Mobile apps make the world a much smaller place, for you and for Internet criminals. Mobile App Privacy Issues Concern Us All The joy of mobile is that it’s mobile. The ability to take a device anywhere, just about everywhere, and be able to connect to the World Wide Web offers unparalleled freedom. The advantages


The Most Dangerous Social Media Apps Children Are Using

Social media is invading all of our lives and not always in a good way. Read on to find out what are the most dangerous social media apps for children and what you need to know to keep you, and your children, safe. The Most Unsafe Social Media Apps In Use Today App. Apps. Buzzwords


Ensure Online Safety Of Your Kids With Le VPN

Children these days are hooked to the internet. Some are playing online games, whereas, some watching cartoon movies, and some use the internet for education purpose. Whatever is the case, kids need a secure online environment where they do not fall prey to any unwanted threat. As you know, online crimes against children are increasing.


Tencent Wants to Keep Kids Away from Online Gaming

Kids are addicted to the internet, especially games. The rage of online gaming is growing day by day. How far this is a good trend is a debatable issue. But some countries like China are taking serious note of this. Measures are being taken to restrict children from playing games on the internet. Measures to